JOURNEY to DESTINATION of a star ( astronomy , astrophysics )

LIFE CYCLE OF A sTar........ One thing we personally believe was "everything that was existing are temporary " So the above statement was valid for everything including stars as humans we once form as a toddler then eventually we getting close to our grave when time the modern era the whole scenario might get about 80 the same cycle happens for stars as well..but the only difference between those two scenarios are the timelines for its destination... stars ended up their lives after shinning for more than 10 billion years in the interstellar.... Birth of a star...... ( eagle nebula captured by jwst ) Stars getting formed by a dust cloud named as the nebula...their were plenty of nebulas you can observe in the milky way....these nebulas were fulfilled with dust and basic elements such as hydrogen , helium , carbon , silicon.... The stars that already exist spreads solar radiation and light a...