

  I n the vast expanse of the universe..amidst the myriad stars and galaxies , like black holes ....The enigmatic giants that challenge our understanding of the cosmos....Born from the remnants of massive stars..... These celestial objects possess gravitational forces so strong that nothing.....not even light can escape their grasp.......In this article we embark on a journey to discover the mysterious behavior of black holes....exploring their formation , properties and profound impact on the fabric of the universe...... FORMATION AND EVOLUTION ....... B lack holes are formed through the gravitational collapse of massive stars at the end of their life cycles.....When a star exhaust its nuclear fuel , it can no longer support its own mass against gravity.... Leading to  cataclysmic collapse.....During this process the star's outer layers are  expelled into space in a brilliant supernova explosion...While its core collapses inward.....forming a dense core known as a neutron star or

Dancing Partners in the Cosmic Ballet

  BINARY STARS..... Binary stars , a celestial phenomenon where two stars orbit around a common center of mass.....This mind blowing system have captured the imagination and attention of astronomers and stargazers alike for decades and centuries..... This captivating cosmic ballet involves a dynamic interplay of gravitational forces , shaping the destiny of these stellar pairs....... In this article we will delve into the fascinating world of binary stars , exploring their types , formation and the crucial role they play in understanding the universal laws.....               ( WILLIAM HERSCHEL ) The binary star system was first observed and identified by the german british astronomer SIR. William Herschel.....Apart from binary stars scientist have observed star systems that consist three or more stars together....And those types of systems were named as multiple stars.....Scientist estimates that in the observable  universe 50% or more of the stars can be binary and 10% of it can be mu


  Exploring the enigmatic DEAth of stars........ . In my previous articles i discussed about the evolution journey of stars and gave a brief description about the end journey of a star....Now lets discuss about it in a wide way...Stars knows as to be one of the most adventurous things we can observe in the universe.....And learning the behavior of stars was an advantage to solve out the mystery of the universe.....We all know that  ancient people was curious about observation of stars and we can identity that by several ancient context.....The book named " on the heavens " written by aristotle was a great example for that.....civilizations like egypts , mayans was so curious about astronomy as well....                         ( NAPTA - PLAYA stone circulation) So now lets discuss about the behavior of a star.....usually a star was stabled by the help of two forces...They were the nuclear fusion which was happening inside the core of a star and the force created by the stars g


  HAWKING RADIATION....... STEVEN HAWKING                                                          Steven hawking is an English theoretical physicist , cosmologist and also an author who made a huge contribution for modern physics. After the concept of theory of relativity the idea of black holes made and impact in the scientific world. And many believed that black holes were components which will exist forever....... But in 1974 hawking proposed his theory by saying that black holes are not completely black and can emit radiation , and because of that the mass of it get lose by evaporate...... The concept of hawking radiation connects the theories of  quantum physics and so as general relativity. According to classical physics nothing can escape (even light) the gravitational pull of  a black hole once its reached the boundary line named as the event horizon. But somehow according to quantum physics  the concept of particle antiparticle pairs  occur near the event horizon . The reason

Dark matter and Energy

Dark matter and Energy Well we all know that our universe was born 14 billion years ago , after the big bang explosion...According to the great physicist stephen hawking universe have began from a singularity...And there were two main hypotheses about the beginning of our universe...  which were the big bang theory and the steady state theory.. I will explain about these both hypotheses in my upcoming articles....Now lets focus on our main topic.... What is dark matter ? The observable universe has a radius around 47 billion light years...Due to the expansion of the universe this might get minimized in the next billion years...The average temperature of the universe was 2.7K ..Our universe was made of three major substances....And they were Visible matter , Dark matter and Dark energy.... Astronomers believe that 69% of the universe was about dark energy and 26% was dark matter....Only 5% represents what we observe in the universe as normal matters....Black holes , stellars , comets ,