JOURNEY to DESTINATION of a star ( astronomy , astrophysics )

LIFE CYCLE OF A sTar........

One thing we personally believe was "everything that was existing  are temporary "  

So the above statement was valid for everything including stars as humans we once form as a toddler then eventually we getting close to our grave when time the modern era the whole scenario might get about 80 the same cycle happens for stars  as well..but the only difference between those two scenarios are the timelines for its destination... stars ended up their lives after shinning for more than 10 billion years in the interstellar....

Birth of a star......

       ( eagle nebula captured by jwst )

Stars getting formed by a dust cloud named as the nebula...their were plenty of nebulas you can observe in the milky way....these nebulas were fulfilled with dust and basic elements such as hydrogen , helium , carbon , silicon....

The stars that already exist spreads solar radiation  and light all over the interspace  which contains photon with in the affect of these light and radiation dust clouds getting crushed together in nebulas....because of the gravitational attraction  the gathering of dust particles getting much denser and as a result of that procedure...a huge sphere with a higher inner temperature getting  formed and it names as a " proto star ".....this procedure might takes million of years and this is how a star getting formed....usually most newly born stars situated in the outside ring of the milky way....our enchanting yellow star formed  5 billion years ago from.the orion nebula...

Majority of the protostars contains an accelerate disk which planets getting formed....all the planets that exist in the modern era was once formed as dust particles in the accelerate disk which rotated around our the beginning of our solar system..there were about 20 planets but somehow it gotten minimized to 8 main planets....

becoming  RED and a SUPER giant...

Stars become stable because of two forces .....the first one was the inner radiation force which occur because of thermal nuclear reaction which happens in the core of a star...and the other force was the gravitational force which occurs because of the stars mass...The basic thermal nuclear reaction of a younger star was 4 Hydrogen atoms reacting with a helium atom...this procedure release a huge amount of energy that extend as light , thermal and radiation to interspace....

But when time flows the amount of hydrogen  getting a result of that the inner core of a star getting crushed and the outer sphere of the star will get larger...the scenario named as the " star becoming a red giant "... as a result of the crush in the inner core the temperature of it gets much more the nuclear reaction that happened in the inner core doesn't stops with starts to convert helium to carbon , silicon , oxygen and finally to iron...iron particles doesn't participate for nuclear chain reactions because of that the nuclear chain gets ended of a star...

Scientist believes that with the next 5 billion years our star might become a red giant...and its magnitude will extend  by overlapping the orbit of out earth and because of that our blue pale planet might get destroyed...usually red giant stars extends their magnitude upto 100-1000 times than our star...and the brightness of a red giant was 500 times higher than a

And some of the stars might become super giant because of their mass....these types of stars are so specific and you might understand why it was so specific if you continue to read this article....

Farewell of a STAR

Becoming a red or super giant star means the star was getting closer to its own destination.... these two declassified star types collapses in two different manners....lets check it out....

Stars like our sun might become as red giants with in the next 5 billion years....stars that have the mass more 5 to 40 solar masses have the ability to use carbon particles for thermal reaction which our own star cannot because of that majority of the super giant stars go for  supernova.....supernova was one of the most terrifying and also the most enchanting events happening in our after a super nova red giant might become as white dwarf stars....the speciality of these stars are it cannot create its own thermal....but they contain the temperature which got as a red giant...after billion of years these white dwarf stars become as black dwarf stars....and that is how a red giant ends its life....

But super giants enters to its destination in a very specific way....these stars always ends its life after a i said before supernova is the most terrifying and the most enchanting event in our universe...the last time that we visualize a supernova from our naked eye happened 400 years ago....these supernova events are so rare to vision because of that its so hard to discover a supernova directly.......but there was a super giant star named as betelgeuse was almost to explode  as a supernova....betelgeuse star located in the orion constellation.. the star was about 560 light years away from our planet....because of that we were not lucky enough to vision its supernova....but when its explode as a supernova it might displayed in our sky as the second moon....for a week....

Supernova explosions can also destroy a entire solar system as well...because when a super or a red giant star gets explode it release a huge amount of gamma ray burst...scientist believes that the permian extinction happened because of a gamma ray burst....

        ( betelgeuse star in the orion             constellation )

             ( supernova explosion )

 After a supernova of a  supergiant the star might face two types of destiny.....and it depends on its own mass....the first type was when a supernova happens the inner core gets crushed because of that the electron and proton particles will get overlapped together and convert them to neutron
....these neutrons gets packed so closely.....and the neutron degeneracy pressure stops the crushing of the stars inner core....these types of stars named as neutron stars...the speciality of these types of stars are its own density....

Neutron stars separated to two categories as pulsars and magnetars....I wil make a clarification about those two categories in my upcoming articles.....

And the next destiny of a supergiant was becoming a blackhole after its own pretty sure majority of you guys were so interested about blackholes planning to make a separated article related to keep in touch with  "space explorations"

Blackholes escape velocity was higher than the speed.of light because of that even ligh particles cannot escape from a blackhole.....according to the special theory of relativity the speed of light is the highest velocity can be gained....
Blackhole works as a vaccum cleaner for objects which passed the event horizon....i will  clarify about this in my article related to blackholes....and I personally recommend you to watch the movie named interstellar to get an idea about blackholes


So if you were interested about astronomy , astrophysics and rocket engineering i kindly request you all to stay in touch with " SPACE exploration "
                                 Cheers ❤️
                             ðŸ–Š️ SHEHAN


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