ROGUE planets ( Astronomy )


  What is a " ROGUE PLANET "?


Rogue planets named as orphans in the universe because these types of planets doesn't orbit around a star...But all of these rogue planets orbits around the supper massive blackhole which located in the centre of a galaxy ...The supermassive  blackhole in the milky way named as ' SAGITTARIUS A '....

Scientist believe that these planets once formed in the accelerate disk of a proto star but some how  escaped from its own stars gravity......main reason for that scenario was gravity assistance...

Can ROUGE planets be threatening for human civilization ?

Well answer for that question  was  'yes ' ROUGE planets can be a huge threaten for mankind...we often stay alert about meteors which can be threaten for a result of that NASA recently executed a mission named as DART to get rid of threatens which can cause by meteors..But getting rid of threatens which can cause by ROUGE planets are unimaginable until now....

Did earth ever crashed with another planet?

The answer for the above question was 
' yes 'scientist believes that earth crashed with an another planet named as ' Theia ' which had a magnitude of the size of mars...The moon was formed as a result of that collision which happened 4.5 billion years how can we say that we not gonna face the same horrible incident again ?

 Scientist have discovered over 5000 rouge planets in our milky way...but the amount of discoveries getting higger day by day..these planets were so hard to discover because they doesn't reflect any kind of the only way we can discover these planets was gravity assistance..

So if you were interested in astronomy , astrophysics and rocket engineering stay in touch with my articles . Cheers ❤️


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