Exploring the enigmatic DEAth of stars.........

In my previous articles i discussed about the evolution journey of stars and gave a brief description about the end journey of a star....Now lets discuss about it in a wide way...Stars knows as to be one of the most adventurous things we can observe in the universe.....And learning the behavior of stars was an advantage to solve out the mystery of the universe.....We all know that  ancient people was curious about observation of stars and we can identity that by several ancient context.....The book named " on the heavens " written by aristotle was a great example for that.....civilizations like egypts , mayans was so curious about astronomy as well....
         ( NAPTA - PLAYA stone circulation)

So now lets discuss about the behavior of a star.....usually a star was stabled by the help of two forces...They were the nuclear fusion which was happening inside the core of a star and the force created by the stars gravity....The most common nuclear fusion reaction of a star was converting Hydrogen into helium.....But after the nuclear fusion reaction stops the star gets closer to its end....You will get an idea about it while you continuing reading.....

        ( stabilized star diagram )

Usually the stars that contain a mass similar to our star will become a white dwarf star in its end of life....Stars that contain 1.44 - 3 solar masses will become a neutron star in its end of life and also stars that have more than 3 solar masses will become black holes after the super nova explosion.... usually a white dwarf has a limitation when it comes to its own mass.... A white dwarf star can only contain upto 1.44 solar masses.....This limit knows as  " CHANDRASHEKAR LIMIT " ...... when a star overcomes that mass limit it eventually becomes a neutron star or a black hole......The chandrashekar limit was found by the indian astrophysicist subhramaniyam chandrashekar.....

Neutron stars contain a mass around 1.44- 3 solar masses...These types of stars have a vast dense core and also due to extreme compression these types of stars contains neutrons in its core....Usually Pulsar was a type of neutron star that emits radio waves due to extreme quick rotations....And a magnetar was knows as to be an another type of neutron star that have a very powerful magnetic field...The magnetic field decay power the emission of high energy electro magnetic radiation....specially x rays and gamma rays....


As I described in my previous articles supernova explosions knows as to be one of the most enchanting and terrifying events in our universe.....Supernova known as a massive explosion that happens when a star reaches its end of life.....The event release an immense amount of energy and was able to outshine an entire galaxy for a certain period of time....Usually all the stars in the universe does not blow up from a supernova in its end of the life....Even our star will not blow up from a supernova.... We can categories the event supernova into two major types.....they are known as,

i ) TYPE 1
ii) TYPE 2

And also we can sub categories the type 1 as , 

i) Type 1a
ii)Type 1b
iii)Type 1c

We can identify and divide Type 1 supernovas from Type 2 with certain facts....Type 1 supernova spectrum does not contain HYDROGEN emission lines was one of the major facts that we use......And also type 1 supernovas are approximately three times brighter than the Type 2 supernova.....

TYPE 1 Supernova.....

Usually Type 1 supernovae does not have hydrogen emission lines in its spectrum .......And also the event contains a constant luminosity approximately with a value of - 19.5
.......This event will happen when a white dwarf star overcomes the chandrashekar limit......Due to the constant luminosity of type 1 supernova....we use the event to determine the distance between galaxies....The supernova events that occur in a binary star system or inside the accretion disk was contained in the type 1 supernova.... Usually type 1a supernova spectrum contains extreme silicon emission lines and type 1b supernova spectrum contains extreme Helium emission lines.....

TYPE 2 Supernova......

As i said before there was a nuclear fusion reaction that happens inside the core of a star...And elements was formed due to the nuclear fusion reaction.....The most common and first nuclear reaction was converting Hydrogen into helium......after that the Helium was getting convert into carbon....After that carbon was converted to O2 -> Ne -> Si-> Fe......After the nuclear fusion reaches the point when Fe was formed the reaction eventually starts to stop...Because Fe does not contribute for the fusion reaction....Because Fe was a stable element.....and due to that the star does not have a energy source now....But the key fact was usually the nuclear fusion reaction reaches upto Fe if the star  contain more mass than our star....

If the stars nuclear fusion reaction starts to produce carbon...The star must contain an extreme mass and temperature to use Carbon for its nuclear fusion....usually the carbon fussion was continue for approximately around 600 years....And the element Carbon was get converted to Neon...The element Neon starts to get fusion around one year....And the element Neon was get converted to Oxygen.....overall Oxygen will contribute for the fussion reaction as well for six months and will get converted to Si.....And at that time the core temperature was around 3 Billion kelvins....So in that extreme temperature the silicon was getting converted to iron with in a day.. So finally Fe was contained in a core of a star...and all the other elements were contributed for the fusion reaction and the waste was positioned like layers.....

Finally the nuclear fusion reaction stops therefore the star get unstable....and start to collapse due to its own gravity......And all the matter of the star starts to collapse inside to the core of the star.....Due to that the density of the star get immense.....And the sub particles get overlap and get neutralize....and because of that neutrons gets formed.....And due to the extreme temperature the particles gain an high kinetic energy and starts to rotate in a high speed....And because of this reasons the interior layers of a star gets extreme hot and pressured...and because of that the interior of the star gets extreme unstable....And because of that the star gets blown up and this type of supernova was known as type 2 supernova.....

These types of supernova was occured in high mass stars...Specially the stars that have more than three solar masses....The type 2 supernova can be so brightful......Immense amount of gamma ray can be emit due to type 2 supernovas.......

Usually new stars can get born due to supernova explosions....So because of that supernova explosions plays a huge role when it comes to stability of the universe.........

Request you all to stay in touch with space exploration ......
                                                Cheers ❤️
                                                Shehan ,
                    (Undergraduate in physics )


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