The intriguing           supergiant...........


Orion star pattern also named as "the hunter" pattern has been recognized as one of the most significant and enchanting views in the night sky.....we can vision this curios star pattern clearly from december to march.....

But if you were interest in astronomy , astrophysics etc you might know that orion star pattern have won the attention from all over the scientific community for several reasons...But the main reason behind this great attention was caused by a supergiant star named as " BETELGEUSE " 

As you all know the above star pattern named as the " Orion"  star pattern.... orion star pattern was formed by plenty of stars...But mainly built up by 10 stars named as .....Alnilam , Alnitak , Bellatrix ,  Betelgeuse , Hatysa , Meissa , Mintaka ,  Rigel ,  Saiph and Tabit....But the star named as " betelgeuse " has become a controversial topic among the scientifc  community for several years...

      [Original image of betelgeuse star ]

Currently betelgeuse star was exist as a supergiant star...In my previous article I explained about the lifecycle of a star....
Betelgeuse star was located 542 light years away from earth....

Now lets talk  the characteristics about the above star...Betelgeuse has a  surface temperature about 3500k which was less than our star...This bright orange red star is only a little more than half as hot as our sun....But it contains a mass more than 11 times than our star...And betelgeuse  was  700 times bigger than our sun....If our sun was replaced by this orange giant star its surface might get near to the jupiters orbit...

Now lets talk about why betelgeuse has  become a controversial topic for years...

      [ Light unevenness of betelgeuse ]

In the year 2019 scientist discovered a mysterious fact about the minimize of light emission by  the star betelgeuse....usually the above star emits 16000-17000 more light than our sun...But sudden collapse of the emission of light made the scientific community doubtful....Majority of the scientist thought that betelgeuse going to blast from a supernova as soon as possible....
And some scientist believed that the incident of collapse light emission occured due to aliens metastructures such as "dyson sphere " 

Now lets talk about a brief clarification about supernova....As I explained in my previous article a star was stable because of two forces....which were gravitational force and the nuclear fussion force...The most common nuclear fussion reaction of a star was converting Hydrogen in to Helium...And its emit a huge amount of energy....But when the hydrogen in the core gets ended... The fusion reaction gets  widespread of the star which contains Hydrogen...And those hydrogen gets converted to helium as well...And that's how a star gets expand...

But a nuclear fusion doesn't stop after converting Hydrogen into Helium.... There after the helium starts to participate  in the nuclear fusion  reaction and gets converted to Carbon and Oxygen ....This procedure might take of hundred thousand years.... After the helium gets ended carbon and oxygen gets start to fusion and converted in to Neon and Magnesium......And after the carbon and oxygen gets ended Ne and Mg gets converted to silicon.....This procedure might take thousands of years to accomplish....And soon after the Ne and Mg gets ended silicon starts to get converted to Iron.....

Usually when it comes to fusion of Iron it absorb energy more than it emits....Because of that the star gets instable because of the gravity and also the nuclear fusion of iron...And make the matter of the star to get collapse to its core....and the result of the above incident was a supernova....As i explain led in my previous article supernova named as the most horrifying and also the most enchanting events in the universe....The last supernova in our miky way happened 400 years ago..... SN2023IXF was the latest supernova discovered by astronomers in the pinwheel galaxy.....

So....minimize of light emission made the scientist to think about a supernova of betelgeuse....But lately astronomers discovered the exact reason behind this scenario....

           [Dust cloud covers the light ]

Coronal mass ejection [ CME ]

Coronal mass ejection is a release of plasma from the outermost layer of a suns atmosphere....It is an explosive event that can eject billion of  tons of material in to space in high speed....
CME is often associate with solar flares which are sudden release of energy in form of electromagnetic radiation.....CME can occur a huge impact to earth and other planets in solar system....scientist have discoverd that in the past planet earth has been struck by solar flairs.....
Mass extinction like permian occured due to a CME.....The interaction between solar flairs from CME and earths magnetosphere can lead to geomagnetic storms and turbulence.....

And CME is the reason behind the minimize of light emission behind the betelgeuse star.... a huge dust cloud that occured due to cme covered a large amount of light from betelgeuse towards earth...and this incident occured a huge dim of betelgeuse.....But everything got normalized in the year 2020.....

Many of the scientific community expecting to vision a supernova of betelgeuse....but latest calculations estimate that currently betelgeuse core was converting  helium in to carbon and this suggest that  supernova of betelgeuse might get another hundred thousand years....But when is start to happen we can vision it as a second moon in our night sky....but it might take 542 years to vision it from earth after it happened.........Usually a lifetime of a huge star was above million of years....
Which was way smaller than our sun...

If you were interest in astronomy , astrophysics etc I request you to stay in touch with space exploration 
                                  🖊️ Shehan...
                    (Undergraduate in physics)


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