The horrifying BLACKHOLE

What is a black HoLe? 🤔......

As I explained in my previous article a star that larger than our sun ends its life in two different way was by  becoming  a neutron star and the other way was  becoming a black hole after its supernova explosion....supernova explosions known to be as the most enchanting and the most disastrous events happening in our universe....

Usually black holes divided in to three different categories as primordial black holes , stellar mass black holes and super massive black holes...lets clarify it out....

Primordial black holes knows as the smallest types of black holes....scientist estimate that these types of black holes are smaller than an atom but with a mass of a huge mountain...and modern science believe that these types of black holes occured soon after the big bang explosion....

Stellar mass black holes are the most common type of black holes that exist all over our universe ...these types of black holes contains around 15-25 solar mass..."GAIA -BH-1" recognized as the closest stellar mass black hole to earth...and it was located 1600ly from earth...

Have you ever watched this movie 👇?

Movie interstellar describes about the supper massive black hole in a brilliant way....usually supper massive black holes exist in the centre of a galaxy...the supermassive black hole in our milky way was named as sagittarius A.....and contain around 4-5 million solar mass....

Recently scientist abled to capture the super massive black hole of M 87 galaxy which was located 550 million light years away from earth...


      ( super massive black hole of M 87)

Abell 1201 known as the biggest supermassive black hole discoverd for contains around 30 billion solar masses...and it was located in the center of a galaxy which was 120 million light years far away from earth....

Anatomy of a black hole.....

According to general theory of relativity object that contain mass has the ability to curve the space time of the universe......gravity gets invented because of that incident... if an object want to get escape from the space time curve it should pass the escape velocity of that space time curve gravity....and it was variable according to bend of the space time curve...Black holes doesn't reflect light because photon particles cannot escape from the gravity of a black hole....escape velocity of a black hole was higher than the speed of light....speed of light known as the limit of speed that can be holes were hard to discover...

Black hole can be separated to main two parts.....


Singularity located in the center of a black hole....matter has collapsed into a region of infinite density called as a singularity....all the matter and energy that falls in to the black hole ends up in here...the prediction of infinite density by general relativity is thought to indicate the breakdown of the theory where quantum effects become important...

Event HoRizon.....

This is the radius around a singularity where matter and energy cannot escape the black holes's gravity...the point of no return this is the black part of a black hole.....

And there was an accretion disk around the event horizon....accretion disk contains gas and dust which rotates around the black hole with an immense speed...because of that they produce electromagnetic radiation such as x ray ,infrared , visible , radio....

Black hole merge.....

Galactic merges  are common incidents all over the universe....scientist believe our milky way galaxy will get merge with our nearest andromeda galaxy with in the next billion years....and the result galaxy was named as milkomeda....usually these kind of galactic merges occur due to the collision of the supermassive black holes of the center of a galaxy....these kind of merges outburst massive amount of matter and energy....we can observe these kind of galactic merges by listening to gravitational waves...


Quasar is a type of  black hole with energetic jets beaming from two sides.....Quasar and magnetars known to be the light houses of the universe...Quasars declassified for so many sub categories such as radio loud quasars , radio quiet quasars , BAL quasars etc....


Kilonova incident occurs due to the merge between two neutron stars or a merge between a black hole and a neutron star......

Scientist still studying the procedure of a black hole....the speciality of a black hole was after the event horizon surpasses many physics concepts were not available....

WHITE holes.....

Well  , white hole was a controversial concept among the scientific society....white holes known to be the opposite of a black hole...nothing cannot get close to a  white hole due to its antigravity....and there was a theory that every black hole ends with a white hole
which work as wormhole....but still we haven't found any kind of evidence of existence of a white hole....

I Kindly request you all to stay in touch with space exploration ❤️
                                 ðŸ–Š️ SHEHAN 


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