The horrifying BLACKHOLE

What is a black HoLe? 🤔...... As I explained in my previous article a star that larger than our sun ends its life in two different way was by becoming a neutron star and the other way was becoming a black hole after its supernova explosion....supernova explosions known to be as the most enchanting and the most disastrous events happening in our universe.... Usually black holes divided in to three different categories as primordial black holes , stellar mass black holes and super massive black holes...lets clarify it out.... Primordial black holes knows as the smallest types of black holes....scientist estimate that these types of black holes are smaller than an atom but with a mass of a huge mountain...and modern science believe that these types of black holes occured soon after the big bang explosion.... Stellar mass black holes are the most common type of black holes that exist all over our universe ...these types of black holes contains around 15-25 ...