I n the vast expanse of the universe..amidst the myriad stars and galaxies , like black holes ....The enigmatic giants that challenge our understanding of the cosmos....Born from the remnants of massive stars..... These celestial objects possess gravitational forces so strong that nothing.....not even light can escape their grasp.......In this article we embark on a journey to discover the mysterious behavior of black holes....exploring their formation , properties and profound impact on the fabric of the universe...... FORMATION AND EVOLUTION ....... B lack holes are formed through the gravitational collapse of massive stars at the end of their life cycles.....When a star exhaust its nuclear fuel , it can no longer support its own mass against gravity.... Leading to cataclysmic collapse.....During this process the star's outer layers are expelled into space in a brilliant supernova explosion...While its core collapses inward.....forming a dense core known as a neutro...